Saturday, May 15, 2010


As any of you know who might have stumbled through this blog I am currently a bit laid up with having surgery to remove a tumor from my right heel. It will keep me out of work for something like 6 weeks, driving for 3 months and walking for 6 months. It is a bummer but much better than the alternative of either losing my foot, finding cancer or any other number of things I would find to be much worse. So, although I get kind of down in the dumps or grumpy that I feel confined, tired of watching movies, TV or even reading I am thankful that I still have family, friends and a great life.

We have some friends that love making home made pizza and they are very good at making it. They called me a couple of days ago and asked if they could make me up a few pizza's (they know my love of pizza). Well, they brought 4 of them over today and I had my oldest son cook up the "Tom loves everything" pizza. As you can see from the photo this was one fantastic pizza partly because it was homemade and partly because it was made by the caring hands of two dear friends. Thank you Judy and Steve - the pizza was fantastic. I can't wait until tomorrow when we will cook up another one.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

And I just want you ALL to know that our oldest son and Tom ---- ate the whole thing --- I was working and they didn't even save me ONE piece! Can you believe that????? Hmmmmph!