Monday, September 21, 2009


untitled, originally uploaded by tabrandt.

I know... the shot is a bit strange. I was playing around in LightRoom and just liked how this one came out. The processing just seems to fit this ones personality.

He is just one of my most easy going kids you will ever meet... that is until he gets his little nose bent out of shape about something and then WOW - instant "high maintenance child"

This one is the one of my three that loves to take photos. He is not too comfortable taking people photos yet but loves to go for walks with his Dad (me) and his camera (Polaroid P&S). Sometimes when I feel overly trusting I let him use my 20D and put either the kit lens or my 'nifty fifty' on it for him to get some DSLR shots, he likes these days. A DSLR is always at the very top of his Christmas/Birthday list.

Listing To: Zoe Keating and if you haven't ever listened to her play the electric cello you need to slow down and take a listen, her music is fantastic.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Wow very interesting picture of J. He looks rather old there. Not sure I am ready for that!